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Volunteer attorneys provide life-changing legal help to victims of human trafficking

January 9, 2023

This January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, helping focus attention on a global problem that hits close to home. The U.S. State Department reports there are an estimated 24.9 million victims worldwide at any given time. We know that when profits take priority over people, the resulting exploitation and trafficking can inflict lasting physical, psychological, and societal harm.

But volunteer attorneys like Conor Smith of Ballard Spahr's Minneapolis office can provide life-changing legal help to victims of human trafficking. Read the whole story here

The Advocates for Human Rights combats human trafficking in Minnesota through by monitoring government compliance with international obligations, documenting violations, and advocate for rights-based public policy in response. We also provide direct support for survivors of human trafficking through free immigration legal assistance. Working with dozens of volunteer legal professionals, we help people navigate the immigration system to find safety and stability in the United States after being trafficked. 

Hear from Conor Smith about his experience providing pro bono representation in a trafficking case. And learn more about how you can volunteer.