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International Mechanism Submissions

Ukraine - Human Rights Committee - Domestic Violence - August 2019

Ukraine’s Compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Suggested List of Issues Relating to Domestic Violence

127th Session of the Human Rights Committee 14 October - 8 November 2019

Partner: Center "Women’s Perspectives"

Domestic violence and other forms of violence against women constitute a violation of women’s rights under the ICCPR. Domestic violence violates a woman’s rights to life and security of person (Articles 6 and 9), freedom from torture and inhumane or degrading treatment (Article 7), equality before the courts (Article 14), equal protection before the law (Article 26), and protection of the family and equality in marriage (Article 23), among others. When a State fails to ensure that its criminal and civil laws adequately protect women and consistently hold perpetrators accountable, or that its agents – such as police and prosecutors – fail to implement the laws that protect victims of domestic violence, that State has not acted with due diligence to prevent, punish, investigate or redress such violations of women’s civil and political rights