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International Mechanism Submissions

Belize - Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women - Suggested List of Issues - Death Penalty

Date: April 11, 2023
Country: Belize
Issues: Death Penalty
Mechanism: UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Report Type: List of Issues
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This report identifies questions the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women should pose to the government of Belize in its List of Issues, particularly with respect to the death penalty.  

Belize carried out its last execution in 1985 and maintains a de facto moratorium on executions. Belize's last death sentence was handed down in 2005, and by 2020, there were no longer any individuals on death row. Belize, however, is one of only two countries in Central and South America that has yet to abolish the death penalty. A 2017 amendment to the criminal code eliminated the mandatory death penalty for murder and authorized the death penalty or life imprisonment for murder.