Republic of Korea - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination - Death Penalty - January 2025
Country: Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Partner: World Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Issues: Death Penalty
Mechanism: UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Report Type: Shadow/Parallel Report
This report examines discrimination based on national or ethnic origin on the enjoyment
of the right to life and other fundamental human rights in the Republic of Korea’s (“South
Korea”) with respect to: (1) foreign nationals sentenced to death, (2) persons expelled,
returned (“refouled”), surrendered, extradited or otherwise forcibly transferred to another
state or jurisdiction where there are substantial grounds for believing that they would be in
danger of being subjected to the death penalty, (3) escapees from North Korea (Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea), and (4) refugees and asylum-seekers who are subjected to
due process violations.