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October 2, 2023

Flast v. Cohen, 392 U. S. 83, 95 (1968). In these cases we are asked to decide an important question of constitutional law. "But before we do so, we must find that the question is presented in a 'case' or 'controversy' that is, in James Madison's words, 'of a Judiciary Nature.'" DaimlerChrysler Corp. v. Cuno, 547 U. S. 332, 342 (2006) (quoting 2 Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, p. 430 (M. Farrand ed. 1966)). Chief Justice Marshall famously wrote that it is "the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is."

It also describes the needs of civil society to continue working effectively and with enjoyment of freedom of association and assembly.

The Advocates releases its latest report on the anti-gender movement. Based on interviews with human rights defenders, Strategies Of Civil Society To Counter The Far-Right Backlash Against Human Rights describes the innovative strategies undertaken by civil society in response to anti-gender activity, including: (a) re-thinking strategies on ratification of the Istanbul Convention; (b) focusing on the training and education of new activists and supporters, as well wider stakeholders and actors; (c) increasing visibility in creative ways; (d) monitoring and data collection to protect women and counter disinformation; (e) building coalitions as well as creating unconventional alliances; (f) finding allies with smaller, sympathetic groups within the opposition; (g) determining alternative, innovative ways to engage with politicians and navigate the political system; (h) establishing new creative ways to counter harmful messaging from the anti-gender movement; (i) considering alternative, more flexible ways for HRDs to incorporate and assemble; and (j) staying resilient. It also describes the needs of civil society to continue working effectively and with enjoyment of freedom of association and assembly.

The Advocates releases its latest report on the anti-gender movement.

The Governor at the time, Democrat Martin O'Malley, led the process. He appointed a redistricting committee to help redraw the map, and asked Congressman Steny Hoyer, who has described himself as a "serial gerrymanderer," to advise the commit- tee. 348 F. Supp. 3d 493, 502 (Md. 2018). The Governor later testified that his aim was to "use the redistricting process to change the overall composition of Maryland's congressional delegation to 7 Democrats and 1 Republican by flipping" one district. Ibid. "[A] decision was made to go for the Sixth," ibid., which had been held by a Republi- can for nearly two decades. To achieve the required equal population among districts, only about 10,000 residents needed to be removed from that district.

The Governor later testified that his aim was to "use the redistricting process to change the overall composition of Maryland's congressional delegation to 7 Democrats and 1 Republican by flipping" one district. Ibid. "[A] decision was made to go for the Sixth," ibid., which had been held by a Republi- can for nearly two decades. To achieve the required equal population among districts, only about 10,000 residents needed to be removed from that district.

Last Term in Gill v. Whitford, we reviewed our partisan gerrymandering cases and concluded that those cases “leave unresolved whether such claims may be brought.” 585 U. S., at ___ (slip op., at 13). This Court’s authority to act, as we said in Gill, is “grounded in and limited by the necessity of resolving, according to legal principles, a plaintiff ’s particular claim of legal right.” Ibid.