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The Advocates Celebrate Women's Rights!

March 28, 2024
The Advocates presenting in Geneva.

The Advocates celebrated International Women's Day while in Geneva for the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC). We were joined by our partners Elena Dimushevska of the National Network to End Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (North Macedonia), Stephanie Futter-Orel, Executive Director of WAVE Network (Women Against Violence Europe), Susana Pavlou, Director, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, and young activists Elif Ozturk and Louise Rosenbaum
(Click on the links to our partners to see their personal video messages from the UN.)

The HRC is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for promoting and protecting human rights worldwide. 

While in Geneva, Rosalyn Park and Katia Galambos participated in the United Kingdom's country review by the HRC Alongside Baljit Banga, CEO, and Fleur Okubule, Policy and Public Affairs Specialist, of Hibiscus Initiatives, we reported about the policies that the UK has implemented that create a hostile environment for migrants, particularly Black and minoritized migrant women. You can read the joint report to learn more about the UK's policies and practices. 

The Advocates' Elizabeth Montgomery and Verónica Cadavid González traveled to New York for the 68th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. While in New York, Veronica and Elizabeth closely followed the negotiations by States and participated in official side events on the UN grounds and civil society parallel events, hosted by CSW NGO, which allowed them to evaluate the current trends in gender equality advocacy. Veronica presented on a panel at one of the parallel events, sharing The Advocates' insights on Forced Criminality in Sex Trafficking and its Collateral Consequences.

Verónica Cadavid González alongside fellow panelists at the panel discussion "Gendered Costs of Criminal Legal Systems".

Verónica Cadavid González alongside fellow panelists at the panel discussion "Gendered Costs of Criminal Legal Systems".