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Update from Geneva & New York, Upcoming CLEs, and more!

April 15, 2024

On the Ground in Geneva & New York

The Advocates for Human Rights was on the ground at the United Nations in Geneva and New York last month. Learn more about both trips.

At Risk Juveniles: From State Court Petition to Green Card (April 25th)

Learn about at-risk guardianships, the I-360 application process for youth aged 18-21, and how you can ensure vulnerable juveniles receive protection in the United States. Register

IDAHOBIT 2024 CLE (May 15th)
Explore the intersection of LGBTIQ+ human rights and asylum law as we commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT). Register

Register for the Upper Midwest Immigration Law Conference (May 17th)
The Upper Midwest Immigration Law Conference returns in person. Connect with colleagues, share practice strategies, and learn about the latest developments in immigration law. Register


Join our House Parties!

Join us at our Migrants Rights House Party on May 9th and our Nepal School House Party on May 15th. Get the latest updates, mingle with fellow advocates, and help support human rights. RSVP