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Newswire: Upcoming Events from The Advocates and More! - May 2024

May 8, 2024
Newswire May 2024

IDAHOBIT 2024 CLE (May 15)
Explore the intersection of LGBTIQ+ human rights and asylum law as we commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT). Register


Help Support our Work in Nepal (May 15)
Join us at our  Nepal School House Party! Hear about our work with the Sankhu Palubari School in Nepal, mingle with fellow advocates, and learn how you can get involved. RSVP

2024 Human Rights Award Dinner

2024 Human Rights Award Dinner (June 26)
A time-honored tradition, the Human Rights Awards Dinner celebrates all who have contributed significantly to the human rights movement and to The Advocates' work.
Buy tickets

Trans flag

"A trans man facing persecution in Russia heard of 'trans refuge' state and fled to Minnesota"
Hanne Sandison (Director of our Migrant's Rights Program) spoke with Minnesota Public Radio about transgender people seeking refuge in Minnesota.  Listen here