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Carol Hayden - In Memoriam

August 21, 2024

Carol Hayden

 The Advocates mourns the loss of former board member, volunteer, and friend, Carol Hayden. Carol was a stalwart supporter of women's human rights and always worked with dignity, grace, and kindnessBoard member Nancy Speer remembers Carol as "a lovely, quietly dignified woman who, at the same time, was a fierce defender of the belief that every person has basic human rights that must be respected." 

Board member Nancy Speer remembers Carol as "a lovely, quietly dignified woman who, at the same time, was a fierce defender of the belief that every person has basic human rights that must be respected."

Carol was fully committed to the organizations in which she believed, and she invested her time, talent, and financial resources to making them stronger. Carol and her husband, Bud, participated in our first organized volunteer delegation to the United Nations. They were completely engaged with the process and supported the success of all facets of our work. At our events, they always asked us compelling questions to help ensure the audience learned about the important aspects of our work.


“Carol was a true advocate for human rights and always lived her values in both big and small ways,” said Robin Phillips, executive director of The Advocates, “Carol worked with us in the trenches. She was willing to help with the often less glamorous work necessary to keep the organization going.”


We are grateful to Carol for her unwavering commitment to making the world better. Carol understood what it takes to protect women’s rights – ensuring impact, championing women's rights activists in front of and behind-the-scenes, and always remaining curious to learn more, listen, and ask the right questions. Her legacy will live on in the movement to protect women’s human rights. We will miss her greatly.