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Looking Back, Looking Forward: Examining 20 Years of Minnesota’s Response to Sex Trafficking

March 8, 2025

Looking Back, Looking Forward: Examining 20 Years of Minnesota’s Response to Sex Trafficking

The Advocates has just released a new report, "Looking Back, Looking Forward: Examining 20 Years of Minnesota’s Response to Sex Trafficking." This report shines a light on Minnesota's efforts to combat sex trafficking for the last twenty years and makes recommendations on how this work can be improved.

Over the past two decades, Minnesota has made notable strides in addressing sex trafficking through the implementation of Safe Harbor laws and the No Wrong Door service model. These initiatives have led to significant policy and practice changes, focusing on victim-centered and trauma-informed approaches.

Despite these advancements, there is a pressing need for continued improvement. Many individuals requiring services are still unable to access them, and some remain ineligible under the existing statutory framework. Historically marginalized communities continue to be underserved and underrepresented in the development and execution of sex trafficking laws, policies, and services. An intersectional approach that emphasizes lived experiences and diverse perspectives is crucial for effective prevention of sex trafficking. Moreover, substantial investments are necessary to address the structural inequalities that create vulnerabilities and contribute to sex trafficking.

This report aims to provide firsthand insights on the key trends that emerged from The Advocates’ fact-finding, with recommendations to inform the work of system actors, policymakers, community advocates, and people with lived experience. We hope that these findings will be useful in enhancing prosecution efforts, protecting victims, improving current initiatives, and ultimately preventing sex trafficking. The findings will also provide key insights for The Advocates’ current project to develop a Framework for Action, outlining future recommendations to prevent sex trafficking.

This report was made in collaboration with pro bono support from Faegre Drinker LLP, as well as funding from the Carlson Family Foundation. Read the report below, or by clicking here.