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Domestic Violence in Tajikistan

Date: October 1, 2008
Authors: Rosalyn Park
Country: Tajikistan
Type: Report
Issues: Gender-Based Violence, International Advocacy, Women's Rights
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Domestic violence is a serious problem in Tajikistan. In November 2005 and April 2006, The Advocates for Human Rights sent delegations to Tajikistan to investigate the government and community response to domestic violence. The delegations conducted over one hundred interviews of domestic violence survivors, national and local government representatives, judges, prosecutors, members of the militia, doctors, religious leaders, attorneys, representatives of non-governmental organizations, representatives of international organizations, academics and a journalist.  Once the interviews were completed, The Advocates drafted a human rights report that analyzes the response of both the criminal justice system and civil law to the problem of domestic violence, outlines Tajikistan's obligations under international law, and includes recommendations for addressing this human rights violation. The Advocates has also compiled an addendum, which provides a two-year update of current conditions and new developments in Tajikistan since the initial draft of the report. The report is being released in conjunction with The Advocates' delegation to Tajikistan in 2008. ISBN: 978-0-929293-51-6