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Implementation of the Republic of Moldova's Domestic Violence Legislation: A Human Rights Report

Domestic violence, a serious problem in Moldova, violates fundamental human rights to safety and security and the rights to be free from torture and violence. In July 2010, Moldova became one of the first countries in the region to address domestic violence with specific legislation in both the civil and criminal systems. In November 2011, The Advocates for Human Rights, in collaboration with its partner, the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation, sent a delegation to Moldova to investigate the implementation of Moldova’s domestic violence legislation. The delegation, with the support of the Moldovan Women’s Law Center conducted interviews throughout the country with police, prosecutors, judges, government ministry officials, NGOs, shelters, maternal centers, victims, child protection services employees, United Nations organizations, prison officials, academics, journalists, health care professionals, and lawyers. This report presents the delegation’s findings and makes recommendations to strengthen the government’s response to better protect victims of domestic violence and hold offenders accountable. ISBN: 0-929293-71-1